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Columbus, OH Car Accident Chiropractors - Helpful Emergency Services

Dr. James Fonner

Car Accident Chiropractors in Columbus, Ohio offer comprehensive services in the areas of chiropractic care, sports medicine, and the allied health field. Their goal is to provide patients with a comprehensive diagnosis along with appropriate and timely treatment. To meet this end, they employ the most advanced technology and education to provide their patients with effective, safe, quick, and minimally-invasive treatments. In the areas of chiropractic, orthopedics, sports medicine, and geriatrics, they have well-trained and highly-qualified staff that are committed to providing their clients with the highest levels of service. See more here.

Chiropractors in Columbus, Ohio offer emergency services that are designed to help patients suffering from various spinal and back injuries and other emergency conditions. This includes emergency transportation of the patient to a hospital emergency room or medical facility. These services are typically rendered by Car Accident Chiropractors in emergencies such as car wreck, fall, auto accidents, emergency room, mental health issues, developmental disabilities, birth injuries, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, head injuries, broken bones, and many others. They also offer emergency services such as pediatric, orthopedics, geriatrics, sports medicine, and vision care. Emergency services are primarily aimed at providing fast treatment to prevent further injury and complications. Chiropractors also specialize in the treatment of the following conditions: musculoskeletal pain syndrome, migraine headaches, spinal cord injuries, neck pain, fertility problems, cardiac and kidney disorders, and acne, scalp pain, shingles, head colds, rheumatism, chronic fatigue syndrome, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, cellulitis, and many more. See here for information about What to Consider About Selecting a Skilled Car Accident Chiropractor in Columbus, OH.

All services are rendered by qualified, licensed chiropractors under the supervision of certified assistants. The emergency treatment is usually performed on an outpatient basis, with referral to the family's primary care physician. Treatment may include x-rays, diagnostic tests, and sometimes surgery. Chiropractic care in Columbus, Ohio is appropriate for all ages. A patient can be seen as quickly as 24 hours after the accident, and the majority of patients are seen within one to three hours. With this in mind, the Car Accident Chiropractors is your best choice when it comes to emergency car accident care!

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