The Historical Society of Licking County preserves and exhibits many artifacts highlighting the many stories and milestones that define Licking County. The museum features a variety of permanent and changing exhibits that provide an insight into the county’s past, such as an unusually comprehensive collection of local currency. Our community's first historical society was the Licking County Pioneer Historical and Antiquarian Societies. It was founded in May 1867. The group met in the courthouse's basement and kept records in a secretary’s book. These records are the basis of much of our early Licking County history knowledge. Although no one knows when the first society was disbanded or what happened, another society did not appear until September 2, 1947. Information can be found here.
Trinity Parrish was the first venue for the Licking County Historical Society's inaugural meeting. The motion was passed to transfer $6 from the inactive society's funds to the newly formed group. Some of the society's original trustees signed the Articles of Incorporation on October 2, 1947. Robbins Hunter, Jr. and Laura Beggs were witnesses. See here for information about Exploring The Louis Sullivan Building of Newark in Ohio.
Plans were made to move the Davidson House, Licking County's most prominent architectural residence, to Veterans Park to create a house museum. Fred Lazarus donated the house and contributed $500 to move the structure from Park National Bank's current site to Sixth Street Park. The money was sufficient to open the house as a museum in 1952, during Licking County’s sesquicentennial.
The Buckingham Meeting House, built in 1898, was moved to the park in 1954. After being abandoned for many years, LCHS managed to buy it for one dollar. It was opened as a meeting room by the Society in 1967 after it was raised funds.
Shirley Webb was one of the founding members of the Licking Country Historical Society. She willed her Granville Street house and all its contents to the Society for use as a museum. In 1976, the Webb House was added.
Robbins Hunter, Jr., historian and LCHS supporter left his Granville home to the society in 1981 to be used as a museum.
In 1991, the Licking County Historical Society acquired its most recent historic location when it took over the jurisdiction of Granville's prehistoric Alligator Mound.